#116 Battle XXIX - The Price of Victory
With silent flashes of pure white light, Sigmar's blessed warriors returned to Azyr. And with the faintest rustle of settling dust, the last of the Lost Thorns crumbled and returned to the gravesoil once again. Where only moments before a battle had raged, all was now suddenly silent. Except perhaps for the echo of a Vengorian's screeched orders: "Take the ridge! Hold the ridge!" And the deathrattle servants of Lord Elohiim had done precisely that. Almost every one of them - including their Soulblight lords - had fallen before the onslaught of the mighty Stormcast, yet they had taken the ridge, and they had held the ridge, and the day belonged to the Lost Thorns. It had been been won by great sacrifice, but that is right and proper. For Nagash is all, and all are one in Nagash. That was my second game in our campaign, against a pretty intimidating Stormcast army including Yndrasta. Luckily, I remembered to play the objectives, which meant that despite suffering horre...