#118 Battle XXXI - A Hoard of Treasure

Despite his many centuries of existence, Viktor Bract was so unaccustomed to the emotion of pride that he did not recognise it in himself. When your own lifetime has been stolen at the expense of so many others', you have very little to be proud about. But, whether or realised it or not, the old necromancer was feeling proud of himself.

On arrival at the ancient site, the Lost Thorns discovered that Krittix and the Wymhole Covenant had obviously sensed the same opportunity for advancement. And Lord Elohiim had tasked Viktor with command of the Lost Thorns: He was to hold the Skaven at bay while Elohiim and the King of Thorns searched out the ancient artefacts which they had divined lay hidden among the ruins. Bract had succeeded, animating the Guardians of the Barrow and Knights of the Lost Thorns with terrible vigour, using his newfound magical prowess to hinder the enemy -  and even striking a few feeble blows himself!

Meanwhile, the other heroes scrabbled in the dirt, searching for the treasure. Elohiim was certain he had spotted something in the earth disturbed by the eruption of the first gnaw-hole, while the King of Thorns raided ancient tombs and tulgey woods. In the end, they unearthed not one but two ancient artefacts! The Wyrmhole Covenant also appeared to have found something, but swiftly skittered away before the gravelords could claim it.

Now the old necromancer was gazing at a beautiful glass orb cradled by the skeletal fingers of the King of Thorns. Without thinking, he found his own liver-spotted had reaching out as if to grasp it...

"NO!" The King's deafening whisper threw the necromancer back and he scrabbled to his knees before the Wight.

"Forgive me, forgive me!" he whimpered, "I am not worthy - it was a moment of madness, I do not know what overcame me!" Once again he was flooded with self-loathing and shame. 

Now those were emotions that he could comprehend.

Another victory against the Skaven. This time we were playing the Relics of Myth battleplan which potentially awards the winner with an extra artefact. Steve and I were also both on the 'Search for the Artefact' quest, so by the end of the game, Krittix Leyshaper had gained one artefact and Lord Elohiim had found two! I also gained enough renown for a few promotions, so here is my revised order of battle:

Order of Battle = 1130 points available
Glory points = 65
Arcane Tome: Vile Transference, Prison of Grief, Summon Horrorghast, Summon Soulsnare Shackles
Current Quest: Magical Lore
Warlord Elohiim (Vengorian Lord) - aspiring warrior (berserker), 10 renown; shard of night 
The King of Thorns (Wight King on Skeletal Steed) - elite leader (tactical acumen, masterful commander), 16 renown
Viktor Bract (Necromancer) - aspiring mage (dedicated practitioner), 8 renown; lash of the sire, amulet of screams
The Lost Thorns (Deathrattle Skeletons) - aspiring defenders (steel discipline), 5 renown
Guardians of the Barrow (Grave Guard) - aspiring attackers (battle fury), 12 renown; reinforced
Knights of the Lost Thorns (Black Knights) - aspiring attackers (full-on attack), 6 renown

#119 Battle XXXII - Signs of Mutiny?


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