#119 Battle XXXII - Signs of Mutiny?

If Viktor had still had tear ducts, he would have wept. Under his Lord Elohiim's instructions, he had spent days toiling over the tombs to prepare them for the rite which would summon the Vengorian's Soulblight allies to join their quest in Ulgu. But now, oily black-green smoke rose from the sepulchres, even as the ratmen scurried away, back into the shadows. Krittix Leyshaper and his foul skaven had raided deep into the territory that Lord Elohiim had established in this dark corner of the Realm of Shadow. The clanrats had swarmed over the carefully prepared gravesites, destroying and burning as they went. The Lost Thorns had managed to save less than half of them, not enough to even attempt the rite.

Lord Elohiim the Ineffable was severely displeased, and laid the blame for their defeat upon the Knights of the Lost Thorns, who had arrived far too late to contribute anything to the battle. But of course the knights themselves were enslaved to the will of their King. And Viktor had noticed that the ancient wight had not even raised his weapon in this fight, but had merely issued orders while ostensibly standing sentinel over a gnawhole. Was this mutiny? Had the King of Thorns planned this defeat and delayed his knights intentionally? Had he deliberately allowed the Wyrmhole Covenant to thwart Lord Elohiim's plan to recruit more vampires to his cause?

Viktor glanced at the Wight King, still sitting motionless upon his skeletal steed. As ever, the King of Thorns was utterly expressionless and inscrutable, but the old necromancer was certain something was afoot, and this made him even more nervous than usual.

The Guardians of the Barrow, reinforced and terrifying

We played the Wreck and Burn battleplan, with me choosing the defend against a Skaven raid. This proved to be challenging, especially when my reserve force was rather tardy! I was lucky to hold Krittix to only a minor victory, who was very much helped by having swapped out his Stormvermin for some good old fashioned clanrats. It was a really good, tactical game. I left the skeletons at home in order to field my grave guard reinforced - they were as awesome as I expected and gained enough renown to reach Elite level! We both achieved our arcane quests to add new spells to our lore books, and I just scored enough glory points to consider a new recruit...

Order of Battle = 1130 points available
Glory points = 100
Arcane Tome: Vile Transference, Prison of Grief, Waste Away, Summon Horrorghast, Summon Soulsnare Shackles
Current Quest: TBC
Warlord Elohiim (Vengorian Lord) - aspiring warrior (berserker), 11 renown; shard of night 
The King of Thorns (Wight King on Skeletal Steed) - elite leader (tactical acumen, masterful commander), 17 renown
Viktor Bract (Necromancer) - aspiring mage (dedicated practitioner), 9 renown; lash of the sire, amulet of screams
The Lost Thorns (Deathrattle Skeletons) - aspiring defenders (steel discipline), 5 renown
Guardians of the Barrow (Grave Guard) - elite attackers (battle fury, hunters' eye), 17 renown; reinforced
Knights of the Lost Thorns (Black Knights) - aspiring attackers (full-on attack), 7 renown

#120 Battle XXXIII - The Ire of Wights


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