#121 Battle XXXIV - The Absence of Elohiim
After a few weeks' hiatus courtesy of life getting in the way of gaming, Steve and I finally managed to play a 'big' (2050 points) game of Age of Sigmar. We continued on our Path to Glory but allowed ourselves to add a load of extra units - and also both left our warlords at home. Predictably we only managed to get through two turns, and ended in a draw, but it was no less fun for being unfinished. Plenty of glory and renown points were earned but no quests were fulfilled and (for me at least) no upgrades were forthcoming.
* * *
Lord Khammron, to Sir Jean de Majeure of the Brotherhood of Mannfred:
Greetings from Ulgu.
As agreed by the Brotherhood, I have been searching for Elohiim in the Realm of Shadows. If nothing else, the bloody graffiti atop Barfunweltz Cathedral bell tower made it clear that he was coming here:
In Ulgu I shall find my Son
Calyx V
Although I have yet to find him (or discern the full meaning of his scrawl), I am convinced he is here somewhere, though of all the realms, Ulgu is surely the best for hiding. And though I have not yet found the Vengorian, I have been tracking his deathrattle minions. They appear to be engaged in ongoing fighting with a swarm of Skaven known as the Wyrmhole Covenant and I recently witnessed part of a large battle between the two forces. I played only the most minor part so as to go unnoticed, and left while the altercation was still in the balance. Nonetheless, I discerned something that I felt deserved an interim report.
With Elohiim himself absent from the battle, it seemed clear to me that the King of Thorns had not only taken over control of the Lost Thorns, but greatly bolstered their ranks with more deathrattle subalterns and warriors. From his commanding demeanour, it was abundantly clear that he, and not Elohiim, is their true liege lord.
Surely this development undermines the Brotherhood's influence in Barfunweltz! For we know that Elohiim, for all his mental fragility, is a Soulblight of the Legion of Night and the true Bloodfather of the Cinquefoil. Through him, our great Mortarch Mannfred could potentially conquer all Barfunweltz! But if this King of Thorns, one fifth of the Cinquefoil, is able to maintain his independence from vampiric masters, Elohiim's importance wanes indeed. And I am also concerned what the Wight King plans, for his will has become so strong I found him inscrutable.
I shall continue to observe and report. And hunt for Elohiim. And of course investigate who is this 'Son' of Elohiim, and also the meaning of 'Calyx V'. Quite frankly, assistance from the Brotherhood would be much appreciated.
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