#91 Battle XVII - For the love of aether-gold

Owen (grave.walkers) and I both use our sons as 'alibis' for returning to the hobby so we're always looking for ways to encourage their enthusiasm for 'Hammer War' (as Owen's lad calls it)! And so, today's battle was between my 11 year old's Black Marines of Barak-Nar and Owen and his almost-7 year old's Gravewalkers and Seraphon (all models painted by the dads). Trying to keep things simple and relatively fast-moving, we opted for a pared-down, open play style with roughly 1500 point forces. The boys chose their armies and made all the decisions during deployment - Owen did particularly well to hold his tongue when the Gravewalkers' allied carnosaur was set up in full view and only 12" from a fully loaded Ironclad! The boys' attention lasted for a couple of turns. Then the generals went off to play football in the garden, content occasionally to come and check we, their humble subalterns, were continuing the fight in their absence...

The Black Marines of Barak-Nar

The instant the fog cleared Commodore Venkman knew he had not a moment to loose. "Fire! Shoot that carnosaur! Fire at will!" he bellowed. Not twenty paces away - not even twenty Duardin paces - a Saurus Scar-Veteran riding a giant, carnivorous reptile had materialised from the mist. Venkman's entire company - two Gunhaulers, Endrinmaster Spengler, the Ironclad Houyagennerkorl and all its crew opened fire. When the smoke cleared, the beast was no more.

The Commodore grinned inside his mask. That would teach them to keep away from his aether-gold! But suddenly, the tell-take flashes of lightening announced to arrival of the Scar-Veteran's friends...

Despite the Gravewalkers' dramatic arrivals, only the Stormstrike chariot managed to reach the Gheistbuster line and did little damage. Confidence in his technological superiority now sky-high, Venkman ordered the Houyagennerkorl to come about and he disembarked, along with his Thunderers and Zeddemore the Aether Khemist. He then directed every single gun at his disposal to fire at the towering Drakesworn Templar. If the monster's resilience to this fusillade gave him pause, he did not show it as he commanded his troops to charge in and engage the beast in melee. A few moments later, his hubris was laid bare...

At the other end of the battlefield, the Gheistbusters' second Gunhauler swooped down and opened fire on Lord-Celestant Thaddeon ven Denst and his pack of gryph-hounds. This also proved to be exceedingly foolish.

Meanwhile, the skyvessels dropped bombs on the chariot but it too was proving remarkably resilient, and was swiftly supported by a unit of Vanguard-Hunters and three Evocators riding Celestial Dracolines. With a deafening crash the Ghiestbusters' mighty flag ship was dragged from the sky and smashed into the mud.

The Gheistbusters were dropping like flies, but the Duardin sensed the Drakesworn Templar was on the verge of death. Knowing the danger it presented even as it fell, the disciplined Black Marines all stepped back a few paces as they fired one last volley into the mighty creature. It was banished, but at great cost to the Overlords.

Determined to avenge their Drakesworn Templar, the Evocators, chariot and Hunters all charged up the hill into the ruins defended by the Duardin leaders.

In the ensuing combat, Commodore Venkmann and his colleagues somehow saw off the chariot, Evocators and Hunters, but it was clear that this fight had no winners, only losers. With respectful gestures, the remains of both forces withdrew from the field of battle. Somewhere in the distance a dracoth and a pack of gryph-hounds squawked their irritation.

A draw seemed like a suitable conclusion after a very brutal fight (and helpfully encouraging for both youngsters). I was shocked how pathetic the Kharadron were in combat (apart from the Admiral) and realised they needed more careful thought to make good use of their short-range missiles and high manoeuvrability. I also really enjoyed playing a non-Death army for a change (I had a shooting phase!?), but please don't tell Nagash I said that...



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