#5 The Congregation of Foolish Martyrs
At the height of the popularity of The Society of the Sanguine Rose, many simple folk were deceived into believing the false doctrines of The Apostle, and Nagash enlists even their poor souls to swell the ranks of the Procession of the Foolish Martyrs. Some of them had been seduced into joining the congregations by the performances of exuberant musicians and self-proclaimed miracle workers. Once manipulative pedlars of deceit, now they search eternally for real magic in their undeath.
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Congregation (Spirit Hosts) |
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Choir (Myrnmourn Banshees) |
The Presbyter was the leader of one particularly large congregation. A passionate preacher and masterful orator, she is now compelled to do nothing but scream her remorse and despair for all eternity. The Prelate, however, never truly believed the deceptions he professed to follow. Nonetheless he cynically achieved a position of power which he then abused to commit terrible depravities. He too must endure the justice of Nagash.
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The Presbyter (Tomb Banshee) |
“Woe!” I stretch out my arms as if to embrace the Congregation of Foolish Martyrs. “Lament! Weep! Mourn! Grieve!” I wail. My banshee choir swirls about me, adding their screams to mine in excruciating harmonies of despair. Before us, a swaying sea of spirits quivers and moans with religious fervour.
“Grieve!” I cry, “for his Empty Hearse approaches, o faithful! Lament! For it bears the memorial of our beloved Apostle! Mourn his passing! Weep for his demise!” I raise my voice in a piercing crescendo of misery. “Woe! Woe are we! Let us join his funeral Procession and add our cries to the wails of the grieving hosts!”
I sense The Prelate at my side. His lack of passion offends me. Where is his anguish? Does he not care?
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The Prelate (Cairn Wraith) |
Why must I forever minister alongside this fool The Presbyter? Even in life she was over-excitable. Always so literal, she does not comprehend anything. Her soul wallows in despair and regret; misery is all that animates her; and she is addicted to grief.
But I have ever understood and enjoyed the power of faith. I know the significance of the False Apostle’s Empty Hearse. It will bear him to the renewal of his power. And I will stand ever beside him, ever his shadow, empowered by his fallacies as I was before.
I let my own rasping voice join the chorus of the congregation. “Let us join his funeral Procession!”
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