Building the Presbyter, Prelate & Preacher (Nighthaunt heroes)

The Presbyter

Kind friends kept giving me Nighthaunt models from the Mortal Realms magazine packs which is how I ended up with 60 chainrasps. One friend also gave me The Briar Queen. As I obviously couldn’t field two of her, I decided to convert her into a Tomb Banshee.

Thinking about what makes the lovely Briar Queen miniature distinctive, I started by carefully removing the rose vine. I also mounted her at a different angle on a smaller base.

I felt the most distinctive feature of the official Tomb Banshee model was her hair so I modelled some to hide the Briar Queen’s head scarf.

Then it was a simple paint job according to my army colour scheme.

I think this is probably my favourite Nighthant conversion and I think she looks just different enough from the starting model.

The Prelate & The Preacher

The Black Coach comes with two driver options and I couldn't pass on the opportunity for a 'free' cain wraith. I had just restarted the hobby after a long break so my green stuff modelling skills were pretty rusty but the end result, The Prelate, is okay I guess.

The Guardian of Souls is a pretty key unit for a Nighthaunt army, both in terms of background and gameplay but strangely GW weren't selling a model for it outside of a boxed set. So I thought I'd build myself one: Necromancer plus hexwraith head equals The Preacher. I'd have liked to have made the base of the cloak a bit more ethereal and floaty but green-stuffing skills weren't up to it at the time.


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