#57 Battle VIII - In the absence of Lady Beauvoir

1500 points Pitched Battle (2020 GHB), Focal Points battleplan.

Photos and Grave'robbers' again courtesy of grave.walkers. Our first battle using 3rd edition Age of Sigmar rules; first time using my Soulblight Gravelords; and first indoor game in nine months…

As the Hermit of Barfunweltz and the Missioner processed away from the field of battle, the remaining deadwalkers slumped onto the blood-soaked ground behind them like empty sacks. 

“There is hope in the way of the Rose, my brother,” intoned the Hermit.

“Verily, brother,” replied the other necromancer, “the Robbers of Graves were assuredly humbled by the glory of His Excellency the Pontifex Surrexit!”

The Hermit raised his blinded face up to the mauve sky where their vampiric Lord and Saviour was vanishing out of sight upon his mighty spectral dragon, the Ophanim. He yearned for a closer communion with his Lord, but it was an honour just to be in his presence in battle. “Praise be” he muttered, replaying the confrontation in his mind.

The Pontifex’s tactic of ambushing Lord-Arcanum Aetherflare right at the start of the battle had been ingenious, although he could only imagine the vampire’s rage when the grievously wounded Stormcast general had fled on his Celestial Dracoline to recover behind a sacrificial screen of mounted Evocators. The Lord had slaked his blood thirst upon them instead. Voltaire the Mortified had then attempted to finish off the Gravewalker commander with his own ambush, but the disgraced former vampire was no less inept as a wight king than he had been as a Soulblight, and had been swiftly banished by Aetherflare. (Voltaire’s entourage of black knights had been fairly ineffectual as well, but at least their presence had helped secure the battlefield.) The Lord-Arcanum had then had the hubris to counter-charge the vampire but had swiftly been returned to Azyr by the Ophamin before he’d even landed a blow! Truly, the Pontifex was a magnificent Saviour, and seemingly invulnerable even to the dread bolts of the Celestar Ballistas.

Meanwhile, from his vantage point hidden among the sepuchres, the Hermit had watched the Repentant Glymmsmen zombies and weaved his magics in their support. The deadwalkers had withstood the devastating onslaught of Jacar Bearbrow Zombiebane and his Decimators by their sheer weight of numbers. They had not quite overwhelmed the specialist hoard-killers, but had endured long enough to hold the centre of the battlefield. The assistance of the Revivalist’s corpse cart and the Missioner had been invaluable, even helping to protect the zombies from other Stormcast units moving up to support the beleaguered Decimators. The Hermit sighed with pious joy – how glorious it had been to witness the Servants of the Rose labouring in unity!

The Missioner’s eyeless sockets also glowed with religious fervour. “The Pontifex must spread the Way of the Rose further abroad, beyond the borders of Barfunweltz and even Shyish! I shall exhort him to lead a great crusade to promulgate our teachings.”

The Hermit flinched but said nothing and looked troubled. Perhaps he had spent too long ensconced in his Hermitage, but he believed it was better to properly establish their congregation here at their spiritual home in Barfunweltz before seeking converts further afield. The Missioner had spent too long wandering the Mortal Realms - he had lost touch with his roots in Shyish. The Pontifex was most needed here, with his followers. 

That was particularly important while the Lady Beauvoir was still away on her pilgrimage. She had been gone for so long in her search for another ‘Petal of the Rose’ that he was even starting to wonder if she had met her doom in the Realm of Life. The Hermit had always doubted the authenticity of Lady Beauvoir’s professed faith, but there was no denying her vampiric power, and without such a dominant Soulblight, surely the Reformed Society of the Sanguine Rose would collapse? Yes, she had left it in the care of her handmaidens Weiß and Liedl, but Weiß’s situation had been compromised, and Leidl, despite her prowess, was still new to undeath and inexperienced. No, the Pontifex Surrexit must remain here to further the Way of the Rose in Barfunweltz, whatever his holy brother the Missioner may think.

It was hard work trying to remember and understand so many new rules, but we had a great game (and a late night). We only managed two turns, but the result seemed reasonably conclusive at 8:4 VPs. A win for the forces of Undeath! (I seem to play better indoors, where Owen’s chickens can’t peck at my ankles!)


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