#16b Battle III - The Obstinacy of the Lizard People

My second game in our Covid Safe Tournament. Will the Flesh-Eaters fare any better than in round one?

Continuing their mission to spread the message of the False Messiah throughout all the mortal realms, the Raptured Court of the Sanguine Rose find themselves in Aqshy attempting to convert a host of starborn Seraphon.

1250 points; Shifting Objectives

The Baby-Eating Bishop of Barfunweltz ascended the steps of the pulpit that his devoted flock had hastily erected for him. Below him, they sang the praises of the False Messiah at whose right hand the Bishop was honoured to stand. 

Across the scorched fields he beheld the blue-skinned mass of primitives, gathered in tidy ranks and expectant silence, obviously eager to hear his sermon.

He raised his mighty voice in eulogy of his Lord, even as the False Messiah drew near to the lost souls to welcome them into his fold. 

But the Messiah was welcomed not with praise and worship but with cowering and a hail of stinging darts! What was the cause of such hard-heartedness? Looking closely, the Bishop perceived among the blue-skinned primitives the forms of great reptilian devils. Clearly these innocent souls had been deceived by lizard people!

The False Messiah himself, bearing his many wounds with grace, continued to offer his embrace to the poor deluded souls but in their madness they fought against him. Soon he was pierced by so many darts that he was brought down.

Enraged by this rejection of their Lord’s grace, the rest of the Court of the Sanguine Rose surged towards the lizard people. But great reptilian devils armed with weapons of evil light barred their way, preventing them bringing salvation to the blue-skins.

Such was the hardness of these thick-skinned devils that even the ministry of Angelic host of the False Messiah could not soften their hearts.

In the end, the Bishop stood alone before the beasts, bravely proclaiming the truth that would release them from their deluded existence.

Though the Bishop thought he detected one brief hesitation, the lizard devils refused to open their hearts this day and finally he fell to his knees, weeping for their unrepentant souls.

Seraphon won 22 victory points to 11. I was wiped off the table having killed a grand total of 6 skinks. Which is 6 more casualties than I inflicted in my round one game... maybe I’m getting the hang of this?!



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