#49 Battle V - The Battle of Barfun Moor
Thanks to some easing of pandemic restrictions, Owen (grave.walkers) and I have finally been able to have a game of 'Gardenhammer'! I was so excited I couldn't remember what happened(!?) so the battle report is his work, as are most of the photos. I just edited and wrote the lore 'fluff'.
2000pt; Places of Arcane Power
Gardenhammer |
The Baby-Eating Archbishop of Barfunweltz made the sign of the Rose as he surveyed the gathering Stormcast. He knew what had drawn them here to the edge of Barfun Moor: Between his Holy Congregation of the Rose and the black-armoured infidel lay three distinct loci of mystical energy; three glowing points of pure green light, each marking the sacred site of one of the False Apostle’s great historic miracles. Such was the sanctity of this place that Barfunweltz Manse itself, the False Apostle’s ancient residence, had manifested nearby.
But the ignorant infidels knew not the significance of this site. They defiled the holy ground and doubtless sought to desecrate the sacred spot. These points of mystical power could only be manipulated by the greatest heroes of the faith - or the most entrenched opponents of it - so the Bishop knew it was his enemies’ leaders who posed the greater threat this day.
The devoted disciples of the Sanguine Rose raised their voices in harmony with the majestic notes of the great Organ of Barfunweltz Cathedral, even as they were joined by a mighty angelic choir, sent by the False Messiah himself in answer to their prayers. The Bishop’s forces were ready to fight for their Lord, but on this occasion he decided to let the Gravewalkers make the first move...
The Raptured Court - Flesh-Eater Courts |
The Gravewalkers - Stormcast Eternals |
Stormcast Eternals Turn 1
Seizing the initiative from the unusually reticent Flesh-Eaters, two Ballistas marshalled by Lord-Ordinator Baltheus Starsighted and a Knight-Incantor leading a unit of Evocators appear in flashes of celestial light on the western side of the battlefield near one arcane objective. Neave Blacktalon and a further unit of Evocators appear on the eastern flank by Barfunweltz Manse.
Lord-Arcanum Neras Aetherflare on Blademane leads a unit of Evocators on Dracolines towards the centre and waiting Crypt Flayers. Sequitors and Lord-Catstellant Tarnos Greybound lead the advance through the centre.
The Lord-Ordinator barks his orders and the Ballistas and Raptors open fire wounding but not slaying the Crypt Flayers and the Infernal Courtier. The Knight-Venator Raelor Anvilblade nocks a star-fated arrow and takes aim at the Baby Eating Bishop. He lets fly but the dark magics of the Mortis Organ distract him and his shot flies harmlessly wide.
Charges are declared and the Aetherflare and his retinue clatter into the massed Ghouls and Flayers. Neave Blacktalon makes towards her mark 'The Convert' (formerly Sawl Gizzardspittle) so intent on securing his destruction that she fails to notice the Baby-Eating Bishop skulking in the doorway of the Manse.
The Mounted Evocators make short work of the small unit of Ghouls, and their Dracolines tear into the Flayers. The Crypt Flayers return with interest grievously injuring Aetherflare. Spurred on he attacks and kills the remaining unit of Crypt Flayers.
Neave, confused by the sudden appearance of the grotesque Bishop, fails in her attacks against Sawl and is left hopelessly exposed to the two and the attentions of their horde of Crypt Ghouls. The two abhorrents strike back wounding Neave before scuttling out of reach of her axes.
Flesh-Eater Courts Turn 1
The Baby-Eating Bishop of Barfunweltz draws upon his necromantic powers and empowered his Crypt Flayers with increased vitality. The Convert tries the same with the horde of ghouls but is thwarted by the Knight-Incantor who uses a voidstorm scroll to dissipate the dark powers. Empowered by the Mortis Organ, the Bishop tries to summon the Chalice of Ushoran but is foiled by the Lord Arcanum who counters to dispel the manifestation of the Endless Spell.
Ultrasonic cries from the Crypt Flayers wound the Evocators and the Mortis Organ's pipes emit wails of the damned further injuring the advancing Stormcast. Then it glides forward into combat with the Evocators on Dracolines killing all but one who is critically injured.
The Crypt Flayers rush up from the backfield and attack Aetherflare dragging him down in their fury, whilst another unit charges towards Knight-Incantor Aralus the Farsighted and his retinue of Evocators.
A Crypt Infernal Courtier flies over the Stormcast, evading the bodyguard and making a stalking advance towards the Knight-Incantor.
A Varghulf Courtier is summoned along with a further unit of ghouls.
The horde of Ghouls in support of the Bishop charge towards the cornered Neave Blacktalon and she is lost beneath a tide of bodies, a flash of lightning signalling her far too rapid return to Azyr.
The Knight-Incator is nearly brought low by the attacks of the Infernal Courtier, surviving with grievous wounds. The Evocators respond reducing the unit of Crypt Flayers to one with their Great Staves and then turning to release the fury of Celestial Lightning on the Infernal Courtier, the Knight-Incantor applying the final coup de grĂ¢ce and removing the Courtier’s head
Stormcast Eternals Turn 2
Drawing on centuries-old experience of battle, the heroes of the Heldenhammer ready their weapons for a salvo. Devastating volleys from the Ballistas rip into the advancing ghouls and headshots from the Vanguard-Raptors target the Bishop causing near mortal wounds.
Reloading quickly and firing again the Raptor prime Erebyx Grimskull sees his target drop to the ground before being pulled away into the Manse by some crypt ghouls. The Bishop’s presence has left the field of battle but Lord-Ordinator Baltheus can tell his spirit has not left Shyish.
Continued fire from the Ballistas peppers the Crypt Ghast Courtiers marshalling the ghouls and one is swept of his feet in a bolt of celestial energy.
The Lord-Celestant rallies the Sequitors around him and surge forward towards the source of arcane energy at the centre of the battlefield, where the shadow of the Mortis Organ looms menacingly.
The Knight-Incantor's retinue press their advantage on the remaining Crypt Flayer and dispatch him quickly.
Having seen their comrade fall, Blacktalon’s Evocators rush into the seething horde of Ghouls, hacking a number down with their blades and staves, A blast of celestial light drops a few more but ultimately this attack was futile, the sheer size of the horde threatening to overwhelm the unit and dragging down three of the Stormcast in return.
Flesh-Eater Courts Turn 2
The Mortis Organ bellows forth a deafening wave of necromantic energy which washes over the battling foes. Those aligned with Nagash feel the healing power of the wave but those aligned to Sigmar are grievously wounded.
The Varghulf that has gone unnoticed by the Stormcast behind a ruin takes to the air and swoops down on the unsuspecting Knight-Incator who finds himself unguarded by his retinue of Evocators.
The last remaining Crypt Ghast Courtier makes a last ditch charge towards the central arcane energy source, its dark powers drawing him near. The Mortis Organ sweeps across the battlefield and into combat with the Lord Celestant, and the recently summoned Crypt Ghouls make their way towards the Lord-Ordinator and his Celestial Ballistas.
Utilising death magics, The Convert takes to the air and flies to the far eastern corner and the sanctuary of a graveyard, within the energy well of the final arcane objective.
The Varghulf lunges at the Knight-Incantor, massive claws flailing at the Stormcast and fangs snapping. But by the will of Sigmar, Arelus Farsighted is able to fend off the attacks and thrusts back with his Greatstave wounding the beast. Seeing their hero struggling, the remaining Evocators dash in to attack the Varghulf, a combination of whirling Grandstaves and Celestial Lightning vanquishing the Courtier.
At the centre of the battlefield the Mortis Organ crunches into the Lord-Castellant with supernatural force, wounding the Stormcast hero. Embattled, he fights back but fails to land a critical blow. The swarm of summoned Crypt Ghouls sweep towards the Lord-Ordinator, one managing to land a wounding blow with its sharpened teeth, Baltheus Starsighted turns towards the chittering horde swinging his Astral Hammers. Five of the flesh-eaters are blasted from existence, the remaining serf quails before the Stormcast yet holds fast.
Stormcast Eternals Turn 3
With the Flesh-Eaters now leaderless and on the verge of breaking, Lord-Castellant Greybound seeks to drive home the advantage. Many Gravewalkers have fallen including his general and he will not cease until the abhorrants' army has been put to flight. He orders advances and salvos from the Raptor-Vanguard. Erybx Grimskull’s aim is again true and the crumpled form of The Convert slumps against the graveyard railings.
The Ballistas open up against the Mortis Organ finally forcing the behemoth to be withdrawn by its spectral hosts.
The Stormhost then turn their attentions to the remaining Crypt Ghast Courtier that stands leaching power from the place of arcane power in the centre of the field. However, try as they might he is just out of reach of the Stormcasts' advances, their charges falling short. The Courtier swats at the Aetherwings circling him and pulls from the sky one bird who strays too close.
Flesh-Eater Courts Turn 3
What remains of the horde of Ghouls that have been sheltering in the shadow of the Manse rushes forward, spurred to new heights of bravery by their hero’s daring last stand. They encircle his position in a protective ring as the Ghast Courtier continues to draw the arcane power from beneath the soil.
The last of the summoned ghouls that had attacked the Lord-Ordinator stands firm before the Stormcast’s fury, claws scrabbling at sigmarite. But Baltheus swings his Astral Hammer one last time, dispatching the brave serf.
Stormcast Eternals Turn 4
A withering blast of celestial energies from the Ballistas cuts down the encircling horde of Ghouls almost to a man. The bolts from the Raptors finish the task leaving the the Crypt Ghast Courtier once again facing the might of Sigmar’s Stormcast.
Knight-Venator Raelor Anvilblade sweeps in on wings of divine light, his Star-Eagle Grimtalon at his shoulder. Unable to land the killing blow, it is his companion Grimtalon who darts forward, celestial beak slashing through the neck of the Ghast Courtier who finally pitches forward into the source of the arcane energy...
The Gravewalkers won the game decisively by something like 6 victory points to 3 (the Raptured Court 'formally' surrendered at the end of turn 2 but we were enjoying ourselves too much to stop playing). Playing outside in the sunshine was a great experience, and not just because of the long wait!
Doing battle on the sunlit uplands of Barfun Moor |
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