#13 Visions of Angels
The Bishop processed solemnly up the aisle of Barfunweltz Cathedral, preceded by his Chaplain swinging an ornate thurible. Gathered together in the pews either side of them, the great congregation sang a rousing hymn of praise to the beloved Apostle.
As the Bishop reached the chancel, he climbed the steps and knelt down before the high altar upon which magnificent carvings depicted the glorious history of the Society of the Sanguine Rose. As he dropped to his knees, the assembly behind him ended their canticle and silently knelt in perfect unison.
"Oh beloved Apostle," he prayed, his euphonious voice resonating throughout the cathedral, "We praise You for granting us great victory over Your enemies! We praise You for sending back the souls of Your faithful departed servants to worship alongside us! And above all, we thank You for humbling Yourself to bless us with Your own presence in Your Empty Hearse!"
"Amen!" cried the worshippers.
"But we long for the day when we shall see Your face again. We long for that hour when - as You once promised to me, Your most humble servant - You will return in glory with Your angelic host!"
"Amen! Amen!"
"In your grace, we adjure You to accept our sacrifices and our worship! We yearn for Your real presence, we ache to have You in our midst! O beloved One, find us worthy to be blessed with the glory of Your advent!"
Suddenly, there was a crash as if of symbols and a blinding light shone from above the altar. Still on his knees, the Bishop lifted up his eyes, hands raised to shield them from the radiance of the vision. Behind him, the congregation gasped in awe.
Hovering majestically above the altar on their mighty wings, three angelic beings had appeared. Two angels sang otherworldly melodies while an archangel spoke to the Bishop and his flock.
"Fear not!" said he (for mighty dread had filled their troubled minds), "I bring tidings of great joy! Your worship has been found worthy and your prayers have been heard: He is coming soon! Look to the skies. He who was your Apostle is returning to you in glory. But He is changed from glory into glory and will come to you now as your..." (the herald paused as the angelic singers reached their crescendo) "Messiah!"
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Angels & Archangel (Crypt Flayers) |
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