The Telling of Tales

Being dyslexic myself, I fully appreciate that not everyone likes to read a chunk of text, especially on a blog where you're never quite sure how long it will be (sorry!). So I decided that as well as writing my stories, I'd have a go at making recordings of me reading them too. I confess I feel a bit 'vulnerable' putting these in the public domain. I have some experience of public speaking, and of reading bedtime stories, but please bear in mind that I'm definitely no Morgan Freeman or Stephen Fry. I'm enjoying doing it though, and I'm struck again by what a diverse hobby this is: planning, building, painting; photography, writing and now reading and recording. Oh yes... and some gaming too!

There are currently nearly eighty episodes of the Roses of Barfunweltz, but I've started at the beginning and am steadily working my way through. The link to the appropriate mp3 file is in every blog post starting with the word 'AUDIO' as a hyperlink (just search 'audio' to see which I've done). The link opens in a new window where you then have to click the play icon (on some devices, I think you need to click download).

Why not start at the beginning, and listen your way through?


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