#68 An Alliance of Bloodlines
By her witch-sight, Lady Beauvoir sensed a figure approaching. Beyond the spluttering brazier, the pitch dark street was further obscured by thick fog. She frowned again. This was most unlike the Countess. Zkyla Heisenberg lived in luxury and moved in sophisticated circles; why in all Shyish had her letter proposed a meeting in the backstreets of one of the seedier quarters of Glymmsforge?
But as it reached the smoky torchlight, she perceived the figure was not that of the slight Countess, but a hulking masculine form. He was dressed in the purple and gold of the Heisenbergs and atop his own head he wore that of a great wolf, enhancing his already imposing physicality.
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"And who might you be?" demanded Lady Beauvoir, archly.
"I am Boritz." The muscular vampire was clearly unaffected by her imperious tone. "Envoy of Count and Countess Heisenberg."
Beauvoir felt flustered: She was offended that the Countess had sent a minion to meet her, and found herself strangely intimidated by his burly form. Struggling to hide her discomfort, she decided to press on with the purpose of their meeting.
"Thank the Countess for her message, and her willingness to explore an alliance between our blood lines." The Heisenbergs of Barfun were an ancient local family of the Vyrkos dynasty which had long been operating undetected within the higher echelons of the so-called Freepeoples. Thus Lady Beauvoir had first encountered Countess Zkyla while infiltrating Glymmsforge society in service of Queen Neferata's Legion of Blood.
Boritz growled softly beneath his wolf's head cape. "It remains to be seen whether you are worthy of an alliance with the Vyrkos, Beauvoir."
Failing to stifle a gasp at the vampire's audacity, Lady Beauvoir hesitated.
"Your coven is known to Sigmar's lapdogs in Glymmsforge. After Weiß was so publicly exposed, your own name has been associated with the scandal. And your efforts to control Barfunweltz Cemetery have failed: both Raptured Court and Foolish Martyrs disregard you, and even the deadwalkers of the Reformed Society are now under the control of the newly arrived Vengorian."
Beauvoir's jaw was slack. How did he know all this? And how dare he gloat about it so audaciously?
"So perhaps you understand now," Boritz continued brutally, "why the Count and Countess were not prepared to risk meeting you in person?"
Desperate to recover some dignity, Beauvoir carefully replied: "I am taking a different approach. The Queen of Mysteries deals often in soft power, in intelligence, in the manipulation of others. Perhaps I have more influence than you realise." She watched Boritz carefully, wondering whether her bluff had worked.
His cold blue eyes stared back. Then, to her astonishment, he chuckled quietly. "Perhaps I do too, my Lady."
Reassured by the apparent thawing of his demeanour and the sudden use of her proper title, she continued. "I confess I do miss my connections within the Glymmsforge social circles. But I am hoping the Countess might be able to help me... for old time's sake? I know the Heisenbergs have thoroughly infiltrated the upper ranks of the Glymmsmen, but I actually seek information about the Freeguilders' allies, the Gravewalkers."
"The Anvils of the Heldenhammer cannot be infiltrated," scoffed Boritz, frowning, "Sigmar's precious puppets are ever protected from the Soulblight curse."
"Indeed. But I merely require information, not infiltration." Beauvoir sensed a little flattery might help: "I was most impressed to hear the Count is so close to Brigadier Barmer of the Glymmsmen. I'm sure he would be able to provide the intelligence I require."
Boritz remained impassive, but finally seemed more cooperative. "And what is this intelligence you seek?"
"There is a Lord-Exorcist among the ranks of the Gravewalkers. I have good reason to believe that he represents a particularly significant threat to all the Gravelords of Barfunweltz - yes, even the Heisenbergs. I need to know as much as possible about him: his history, his character, his military accomplishments. In particular, I suspect he has some historic link with the King of Thorns, the wight I brought back from Ghyran."
"I take it you understand that the Count and Countess will expect you to repay your debt should they help you?"
Lady Beauvoir nodded.
"Does this Lord-Exorcist have a name?"
"Yes," replied Beauvoir, "They call him Calyx the Vengeful."
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