Building the Empty Hearse (Black Coach)

The Black Coach model is the reason I wanted to build a Nighthaunt army, but I made myself paint a few other units before indulging myself. It’s a fantastic kit and not too tricky to build and paint in a few subassemblies.

The base is so huge I wanted to add some interest there, partly because the painting scheme I settled on for my Nighthant is so straightforward it’s nice to have some fun with the bases. So I decided to have half the base as road and half as graveyard. This added to the subassembly complications but with some jiggling it worked out okay.

With the benefit of hindsight, I wonder if it would have looked better if I had put the wall at a different angle so it was more obvious the coach was passing through it, but at the time I was too scared of spoiling the lovely Black Coach miniature.


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