Building the Court of the Sanguine Rose (Flesh-Eater Courts)

I had had my eye on the Flagellants box as soon as I came up with the idea of the Society of the Sanguine Rose. I’d originally planned to use the models for chainrasps but as I read more about the Nighthants the look didn’t seem right. So I had a think about what mortal Nagash worshippers would be like and ended up with the Flesh-Eater Courts. I’d built a ghoul army before many years ago and as the models were still the same I was keen to do some kit bashing for a fresh look. 

The Remnant, Proselytes and Catechumenates

I tried mixing the ghoul and flagellant kits together and was delighted with the results. The ghoul kit has so many spare arms and heads I was able to make thirty ghoulish flagellants/flagellating ghouls.

The ones with flagellant bodies represent the Remnant of the original disciples of the Sanguine Rose. The crypt ghouls with added red rags and flagellant accoutrements represent the Proselytes, mortals drawn into the Court of the Sanguine Rose. The basic ghoul models are the Catechumenates, mordants from other Flesh-Eater Courts which have been subsumed into this court under the Archbishop's delusion.

The Chaplain / The Suffragan

They obviously needed a leader so I added some ghoul and Nighthant bits to another flagellant to build the Chaplain, who is promoted to become the Suffragan (luckily Crypts Ghast Courtiers and Ghoul Kings share the same base size),

The Baby-Eating Bishop / Archbishop of Barfunweltz

But I wanted someone grander. It took me a while to find the right model but the Blackstone Fortress ministorum priest was perfect. All rise for his excellency the Baby-Eating Bishop of Barfunweltz!

The Perseverants

Browsing through the Flesh-Eater Courts battletome, I came across a great passage on page 13 about what happens to mordants when they die. I was particularly intrigued by the idea that these ghouls essentially become spectral versions of their physical selves: takes the form of a frenzied gheist that mercilessly cannibalises the other souls that share its underworld.

And better still:

Such is the force of the Flesh-eaters' delusion that dead mordants may not even notice their own incorporeality, and may rise en-masse to fight alongside their still-living brethren.

It's such a great idea that I couldn't resist trying to represent these 'ghostly ghouls'. I replaced the ghouls' heads with spare skulls and painted them as Nighthaunts. *I love how they’ve come out looking like miniature versions of The Abbess, as she was the first of their kind according to my background story.) I'll do the same with a few other models including some crypt flayers. I may use them for units summoned by the abhorrents, and they could even double up as chainrasps in the Procession of the Foolish Martyrs.

I even had an idea for a fun bit of 'ghostly ghoul' background which tied in nicely with the continuing story of Barfunweltz.



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