Building the Charnel Pulplit (Charnel Throne)

I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the Charnel Throne kit even before I'd bought it, although it did prove a little more tricky than I'd envisaged. The steps up to the platform were already so pulpit-like, that it was just a matter of rearranging the throne sections. 

Unfortunately, the throne wasn't cast in as many sections as I'd expected and cutting the back in half wasn't that easy. It left quite a lot to disguise but I got there in the end. Then it was simply a matter of attaching the parts around the platform and disguising the non-detailed backs with skulls and bits from the flagellant kit. I was particularly pleased with the way the seat of the throne worked as a lectern. Having ensured the platform would fit the 40mm base of an arch-regent, I carefully placed a book to stop him sliding off. 

I painted it to match the army and also the Sigmarite Mausoleum kit which I'd previously painted. I was also quite generous with the flock to help the Archbishop's base blend in when he's preaching.


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