Building the Angelic Host (flying Courtiers)
My Crypt Infernal Courtier was a simple conversion, but I’m really pleased with how dramatic it looks (almost too cool for a minor character). All I did was trim the rock details away from the foot which touches the ground and attach it to a leftover rock from the terrorgheist kit. It took a bit of thought to get the angles right, and I had to hot-glue some ironware inside the rock for ballast, but it wasn’t tricky.

I also thought it might be fun to build my own Varghulfs as I knew I was going to end up with some spare models from the Crypt Flyers/Horrors kit. I had a bit of fun trying to mimic the pose of the official Varghulf miniature by repositioning the wings. Then it was just a matter of adding green stuff fur. I haven’t seen the official model in the flesh, but I think I matched it well enough to to be recognisable, although I’ve a feeling mine is a bit smaller.
For my second Varghulf, I got a bit more creative. I wanted to try and make it look really bat-like so I went for a wings-outstretched pose. (The wings aren’t too difficult to reposition on the flayer models and I intend to do it to lots of the others I plan to build.)
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